Saturday, August 29, 2009

....wuz mah birfday!

Well, okay, not yet. Not until Monday. But tonight was my birthday party. Loving friends, freaking amazing cake, food so tasty it bordered on immoral, fun pictures, and a two-hour jump-a-thon on the trampoline.
For those of you that don't know, the last two months have been indescribably frustrating. Tonight was what I needed, a break in the gloom, a concentration of every good thing in my life into one evening. I even got my mom to get on speaker phone and tell the embarrassing stories that I hear every year. My birthday wouldn't be complete without them. It's my version of a birthday spanking. I don't grow properly unless I get that connection to the child within.
So tonight, sweaty and exhausted from jumping on the trampoline and laughing myself sick, I climbed in the shower, and played with my new Japanese Cherry Blossom shower gel (courtesy the POCettes). Got out, slathered myself with the matching lotion, and crawled into the World's Softest Bathrobe.
Purr, purr, purr.....
So, once every couple of years I have to do this, and tonight just seems to be the perfect night. Everything I love is snuggling itself up on me like a warm little nest. It's like a stupid Disney movie where all the woodland creatures are creeping up on the heroine because she's so happy and content. My woodland creature catalog would include gerbils, penguins, and beavers.

Anyway, here it is-

My Favorite things (in a rough kind of order):

Cool nights
Laughing until I can't breathe
The soft ache in your muscles that tells you you've played just enough.
Fresh cut flowers
Scented bath goodies
Fuzzy animals
Watching video games
LOLcats ( )
Tonya's cooking
Old people
Down pillows
Fuzzy bath robes
Box fans
Candy with stuff in the center
Hoops and YoYo cards
Back scratches (gentle ones! I'll never get those people that like the skin clawed off their backs)
Big, snuggly hugs (I view hugs the way people look at handshakes. Weak and clammy hugs just....suck. And they reflect poorly on you! And they make me feel not liked! It's okay, though, the one person I know that gives icky hugs makes up for it with other variegated coolnesses)
Pill bugs
Did I mention sparkles?
The smell of grass and earth

I could go on all night. But if you look at this list, 90% of it was present at the party tonight.
So, to anyone who wished me a happy birthday, but especially those that were able to make it to the party...thank you for giving me the best party in the history of birthdays.
Love you guys!

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